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Proper use and maintenance is the key to extend the life of the bamboo flooring. Bamboo flooring in use should pay attention to three aspects.
First of all to keep indoor humidity. Despite dried bamboo flooring, reducing the size of the changes, but because bamboo is a natural material, so bamboo flooring will be dry with humidity climate change and some deformation; in the northern region, especially if the dry season is open encounter Heating consumers can adjust the humidity by different methods, such as using a humidifier or put a basin of water in the heating and the like; the south to the rainy season, consumers should be more windows open for ventilation, maintain indoor dry; at the same time, the indoor use of bamboo flooring should be avoid contact with large amounts of water, if water spilled on the floor should be wiped clean.
Secondly, to avoid damage to the floor surface. Bamboo flooring finish, should avoid collision with hard objects, sharp scratches, metal friction and so on. Prevent dust, sand and other objects into the room, which can place a doormat at the door, but must be kept clean insole. Do not use nails or sharp objects scratch the surface of bamboo wear shoes with metal spikes into the room. You can use some furniture fiber fabric foot wrap, both to make it easier to move furniture, you can also make furniture does not damage the floor.
Finally, it should properly clean the floor. In everyday use, keep the floor clean bamboo flooring, cleaning, use a clean broom sweep, and then wring the mop, you can usually use a soft damp cloth graze the floor, of course, be treated like a carpet that was removed with a vacuum cleaner dust on the floor. Depending on the situation, you can wax once every few years to keep the film surface smooth and clean. If conditions permit, 2-3 months to play a floor wax on bamboo floor surface, so maintaining better.
In addition, we also need regular window ventilation, indoor air-conditioning temperature.
the article come from:Cheap Wood Plastic Composite Deck Floor
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