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Tuning up cars for top conditions can reduce petroleum expenses by having an efficient engine and extended car life span. A well maintained car does not gobble petrol easily and saves several cents or dollars that should go for other important necessity. The following are ways to care for a car.

* Check tire pressure. A deflating tire causes engine to use more petrol.
* Flush radiator coolant to prevent corrosion and overheating.
* Change oil regularly. This is done after the car had run for 7, 500 miles. Avoid skipping even a single oil change as this may cause serious engine trouble. A dipstick can indicate acceptable oil level and color. Yellow golden brown color indicates OK while dark color means “change oil now”
* Visit authorized and licensed automotive shops. A car service center must be trustworthy and reliable business partner. There are numerous shops such as car car alternator replacement houston
*Reduce unnecessary load as car uses more fuel while running on heavy weight.
*Reduce mileage by using shortcuts and cutting unnecessary trips
*Check brake fluid level to prevent faulty brakes and accidents.
*Use car air conditioner when necessary.
*Check car battery for electrolyte levels and electrode contacts. A faulty battery can prevent car from starting.
*Check radiator for carbon buildup. An opaque radiator means change is necessary.
*Wash car regularly. Apply non corrosive cleaning detergents such as car shampoo. Buff car body with carnauba wax for shiny looking results.
*Change car parts if necessary such spark plugs, timing belts, fuses, and air filter.  

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Laptop computers are expensive than desktop. They provide ease of mobile computing, a machine for workstation, a communication tool for messaging and internet cooling and a research device for education. By following laptop care routine, it will always in its operational state.


        * Keep laptop dust free by wiping dust off the screen. Using mini vacuum or compressed air can to remove dust accumulating inside the exhaust port.
        * Protect laptop from shocks by placing them inside laptop bags or shock absorbent foam.
        * Keep it from cool and dry place.
        * Use laptop cooler to prevent overheating. You may purchase a large single fan or small multi fan stand as a fan.

        *  Always update antivirus, firewall and software assistant programs updated.
        *  Use disk defragmenter utility to make file system organized during heavy data usage such as add and removal of programs. The utility can be run 3 time a week for heavy use and once to twice a month for seldom usage.
        *  Avoid virus infection by refraining downloads from unsafe sites and using usb or flash memory devices used from infected computers.